Knee Replacement Recovery
Knee takes up the entire body’s weight and is one of the strongest joints in the body. Yet, its prone to injury and knee pain, restricted movement. Partial or Total knee replacement surgery has become a beacon of hope for countless individuals.
Understanding the journey to recovery is essential if you or someone you know is considering this transformative procedure.
In this blog, we unravel the steps, providing valuable tips for knee replacement recovery.
How to recover from a knee replacement?
It may take several months to recover from a knee replacement entirely. The knee replacement recovery timeline can vary depending on your age and general health.
Following the surgeon’s advice on looking after your knee to recover well is essential.
After the operation, you’ll spend some time in a recovery room where you may be given medicines to help with the pain. Your nurses will monitor your vital signs closely.
Managing pain and discomfort
People used to think you had to endure severe pain following knee replacement surgery. In fact, properly managing pain helps reduce discomfort and lessen your knee replacement recovery time.
Because pain is subjective, it’s crucial to accurately describe and pinpoint the location and intensity of the pain. Your healthcare team needs to know whether the pain is constant or intermittent and whether it’s sharp, tingling, or burning, among other things.
Though it’s reasonable to expect some discomfort after surgery, an effective pain management program can help reduce your pain level and help boost the speed of your recovery.
Also Read: Your Guide For Partial Knee Replacement Surgery
Moving post-operation
Recovery from joint replacement surgery isn’t always easy, but getting back on your feet as soon as the doctor says it’s okay can help you recover.
Walking helps prevent blood clots, improves circulation, and keeps your joints limber. It helps deliver essential nutrients to your knee to help you heal and recover.
You don’t have to wait until you return home after surgery. Most patients can start walking using a walker or a cane while still in the hospital.
Physical therapy and exercise
Physical therapy is crucial to recover from knee replacement surgery. Your physical therapist will help and show you exercises to help your knee heal.
Even if you’re feeling well and confident, continuing physical therapy is vital as it can help speed your recovery. Physical therapy will help strengthen your leg, help you walk, and restore the movement of your knee joint.
In addition to the healing movements, it’s essential to exercise. This is different from the movements you learn in physical therapy. Engaging in safe physical activity helps your muscles get stronger and enables you to heal quickly.
Also Read: Life after Total Knee Replacement Surgery
While many patients are eager to recover, balancing movement with getting enough rest is necessary to heal from knee replacement surgery.
For the first few months, you may have mild-to-moderate swelling of the affected knee. Getting the appropriate rest, keeping your leg elevated, and applying ice can help boost healing time.
Knee replacement recovery time
The recovery time after knee replacement surgery can vary from person to person, and it depends on several factors, including your overall health, the type of surgery performed, your age, and your commitment to following the rehabilitation plan.
However, most people achieve their maximum recovery within 6 to 12 months after surgery. By this time, you should experience reduced pain, improved mobility, and be able to engage in daily activities and low-impact exercises comfortably.
Knee replacement recovery tips
Once discharged, the major part of recovery continues at home. Recovering from surgery is a gradual process that requires patience and dedication.
Following are some knee replacement recovery tips-
- Adhere to your doctor’s post-operative guidelines and recommendations. They will provide specific instructions for wound care, medication, physical therapy, and activity levels.
- Regular exercise helps restores strength, flexibility, and range of motion in your knee. Be consistent with exercises and stretches for a speedy recovery.
- Use crutches or walking sticks for 3-4 weeks post-operation.
- Using ice packs can aid in the reduction of swelling.
- Get up and walk around for 5 minutes every hour to prevent blood clots.
- Avoid twisting your knee, bending down, and reaching up as much as possible.
- Keeping the surgical incision site clean and dry is critical until the incision heals completely.
- Since knees are the body’s most weight-bearing joints, maintaining body weight is crucial in determining recovery speed.
Plan your surgery & recovery With Dr. Sartawi
Recovery from a knee replacement involves numerous stages.
Planning your knee replacement procedure with the help of an expert is crucial in making your journey easier. Dr. Sartawi pioneered one-day joint replacement surgery in Central Illinois and the Middle East.
With his innovative approach, he has performed about 1,000 total knee replacement surgeries with a 98% success rate. Peer-reviewed journals have published his method.
Contact the team for more information.