!Dr.. Muthanna Al-Sartawi.. A model for immigrant minds!

Without nepotism or nepotism, and despite the presence of many American competencies that surpass him in years of experience, and regardless of the cultural, religious and social background from which he came, the young Kuwaiti doctor, Dr. Muthanna Al-Sartawi to be the Director of one of the most important medical centers in the United States of America, which is the Persons Covent Hospital Center, in addition to heading the Department of Orthopedics at Christie Clinic International Hospital.
He won the position with his merit and merit, regardless of his nationality as a Kuwaiti, and his religion as a Muslim, in the country of opportunities and the realization of dreams according to the ambition, will, determination and determination of dreamers.
The question that arises strongly according to this vivid example: When do we find such dealings by our institutions and government agencies in Kuwait so that those with competence, experience and will assume the leadership positions that they deserve and deserve, regardless of any other considerations, and until the right man is actually in the right position?
And when will the state provide the privileges required for the return of migrant brains, which have “flown out” due to red tape, bureaucracy, and profiteering at the expense of the public interest?
Yes.. the time has come for Kuwait to embrace its talented sons with national competencies and migrant minds that occupy a prominent scientific position at the international level, not only for their sake, but first for the present and future of this country, perhaps we can then say with sincerity and pride indeed: This is Kuwait .. Pray for the Prophet!